What to Expect

We congregate to express our adoration for Jesus and listen to the divine teachings of God’s word. This gathering epitomizes the zenith of our weekly spiritual journey at Vineyard International Christian Ministries.

Order of Service


At Vineyard International Christian Ministries, our preaching is rooted in the Bible, as it is through these divine scriptures that Jesus communicates and fulfills his benevolent intentions in our lives.

Our aim is to immerse ourselves in the profound truths about Jesus found in the Bible, to let these truths kindle in our hearts a profound and reverential love for Jesus, and to allow these truths to reshape our lives in alignment with the vision of Jesus’ kingdom. To experience our preaching style, feel free to watch our recorded sermons by following the link provided below.

Watch Recorded Services

Worship Music

Vineyard International Christian Ministries is committed to nurturing and refining our praise of Jesus, as an expression of gratitude for his magnificent deeds.

The primary objective of our music at Vineyard International Christian Ministries is to exalt and honor Christ, making use of songs and lyrics deeply rooted in the gospel’s message. Through our musical expressions, we aim to echo the profound truths about Jesus, amplifying our shared faith and worship, while inspiring our community to connect more deeply with His teachings and love.

Vineyard International Christian Ministries

Bound Together By The Love of God


Vineyard International Christian Ministries is located in the South Bronx, New York

1140 Teller Avenue Bronx NY 10456

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